The Weekly Bookmark May 10, 1996 - Vol 2, No. 23 __________________________________________________________ Table of Contents On My End - Note from the Editor Supporters of the Weekly Bookmark Out There - Places to Visit Weekly Bookmark Information Meet The Staff - Contact Info __________________________________________________________ On My End Matt Alberts The Weekly Bookmark is on-time, if you forget about the two I missed. I have vowed to not miss another issue. For this, I have prepared my article, Marian Hank will have her article in Monday's, and I have another article lined up for an upcoming issue. Look for these covering a large variety of topics. I will let you get on to the current issue, and I hope you enjoy this. __________________________________________________________ Supporters Imaginary Landscape=20 Hand Woven Web Sites It All Begins With Your Ideas __________________________________________________________ Out There Art, Humanities, and Music Shakespeare Authorship This site offers evidence that William Shakespeare of Stratford Upon Avon wrote the works attributed to him. Specifically, the site seeks to refute the notion that William Shake-speare was the pen name of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford. URL: This site is did not supply the browser information. Submitted By: Brian R. Page Shakespeare Authorship This site advances the theory that Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford was the author of the works by William Shakespeare. The Oxfordian proposition is based on the scant evidence for authorship by the man from Stratford, the well-established literary skills of the Earl, and hundreds of bits of circumstancial evidence linking the plays and sonnents to the life of the Earl. The World Wide Web has enabled both sides in the authorship debate to achieve a broad public forum. The controversy has strengthened Shakespearean studies. URL: This site is did not supply the browser information Submitted By: Brian R. Page Computers and Technology Tech Locator Tech Locator, the most comprehensive World Wide Web-based directory of computing product and company information. Tech Locator ( is the first online directory to provide comprehensive aggregate information about a company, such as contact information, stock quotes, and complete product listings, as well as the option to conduct related searches throughout both ZD Net and the Web. Tech Locator, which joins the robust technology-focused content and service offerings on the ZD Net Web site (, is an extensively searchable listing of more than 1,100 computing technology companies and 6,800 products, updated weekly with an average of 20 new company listings per week. It is the first Web navigation tool that links search results not simply to the home pages of relevant sites, but to the specific Web pages within a site which contain the end user's particular information needs. In addition to its listings of company contact information, products and stock quotes, Tech Locator provides links to company home pages and into targeted site areas, such as technical support, price lists and customer service. URL: This site is can be viewed with any browser. Submitted By: Michael Katz CompuNotes Home Page CompuNotes is a weekly, free publication sent to over 9000 people via email. Our WWW site is out HTML version of the publication. Each week review software, feature news, honor web sites and much more! URL: This site is can be viewed with any browser. Submitted By: Patrick Grote E-town: The Home Electronics Guide E-town is a collaboration of the country=B9s foremost consumer electronics writers. The library consists of hundreds of stories and product reviews. Users can find news on the latest technology, use the Buy Guide, respond to posts on the op-ed page or start their own topic on the Message Board. URL: This site is is best viewed with Netscape 1.1 or higher. Submitted By: John Wooden Education The Naropa Institute A Naropa education initiates a lifelong process of creative personal development that extends beyond the college experience. Learning is a rigorous and joyful journey at The Naropa Institute. As a member of our community, you train wholeheartedly in your fields of study, gaining knowledge from a perspective that fosters precision, gentleness,and spontaneity. This approach is called "contemplative education", and is based on a deep respect for tradition and the intelligence within each person. It emphasizes intellectual acumen and intuitive understanding. The basic principles of this approach are: cultivating awareness of the present moment, striving for excellence in all disciplines, exemplifying the Buddhist principle of joining one's personal experience with what is learned, applying wisdom from many world traditions to contemporary challenges, and being nonsectarian and open to all. At Naropa, you journey towards wisdom^=D7a wisdom steeped in tradition, yet continuously unfolding in the present moment. You develop skill in your area of study, openness to ever-changing situations, confidence to enjoy your life, and compassion to benefit society. URL: This site is can be viewed with any browser. Submitted By: Antonio Nunez Entertainment The Timothy Leary Home Page The Timothy Leary Home Page is an obvious step for this guru of LSD. The page is a neat, crisp design aided by Cyber Whizard Joi Ito. Leary provides a guided tour of his domain in cyberspace and reality. The Cyberoom is particularly reminiscent of his earlier days of fame. Part of the design includes a picture of Leary wherever you go, which will allow you to ask questions. It is a carryover from the babtsitting concept of his experimental days. As Leary lives out his last days, he is dying of prostrate cancer, he has opened up his house to us. URL: Submitted By: Ted Nellen FREEway FREEway is a brand new guide to FREE on the World Wide Web. From free samples to free magazines to free internet services to free internet access, we have it all. The guide is updated several times weekly, always new listings. The key word is free. The site is FREEway. This site is is best viewed with Netscape 1.1 or higher. Submitted By: Sam Wood Sandbox Entertainment Network Beginning May 13, 1996, you can take an online adventure with Road Trip to the College World Series. You'll have daily access to journal entries, Quicktime videos, RealAudio and stunning snapshots highlighting three real-life college students who've been sent on the road to cover as many unique and interesting places as possible on their way to this year's College World Series. Visit the Sandbox entertainment network today for free registration. URL: This site is can be viewed with any browser. Submitted By: Jim Layne The Entertainment Connection Built to be the Web's Entertainment Superstore, the Entertainment Connection carries over 250,000 music and video titles on CD, Cassette, VHS, and Laserdisc. The selection is incredible, the prices are really good, and the 100 best selling albums are always on sale, always on Real Audio. There's an intelligent agent, named AMU, which remembers user preferences and tastes to give updates and make educated suggestions. Check out how extensive and useful the search function is - Even if you can only remember the name of a song (or film character), the engine will identify it and put it in context. URL: This site is is best viewed with Netscape 1.1 or higher. Submitted By: John Wooden Government and Politics Army Times "Army Times" is a pictorial history of my experiences in the Ohio Army National Guard, including 8 months active duty for Operation Desert Storm. Also includes links to other military sites. URL: This site is is best viewed with Netscape 2.0 or higher. Submitted By: Sandra L. Bonchin-Cleland LSU Political Science Department Home Page This page provides information on the department's programs as well as links to political science, Louisiana, and Internet resources. URL: This site is can be viewed with any browser. Submitted By: James Bolner, Sr. Health and Medicine Medical Breakthroughs The free, content-driven Medical Breakthroughs site at highlights three new groundbreaking reports each week on lifesaving discoveries in the world of medicine. News, the site offers a keyword search of subjects, rotating special topics like Woman To Woman and Dr.^=D2s Q&A, a free e-mail bulletin listing topics-to-come, and an archive of medical news in 13 categories from Women's Health and Diabetes to Heart and Cancer. Downloadable video clips straight from the operating table, allow users to truly witness today's breakthroughs, and tomorrow's cures. URL: Submitted By: Lorre Fritchy Silver Hill Hospital Silver Hill is a nationally known psychiatric and substance abuse hospital with a strong tradition of helping people get well. Inpatient services, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, transitional housing services and free community outreach services are available. We also offer ropes course training for corporations and organizations seeking a fun way to promote self fulfillment and teamwork. Our web site contains Information about these services and other mental health resources. URL: This site is can be viewed with any browser. Submitted By: Greg Ussery Internet and the WWW Submit a Site 2ask is our Internet Directory that includes a collection of over 1000 searchable databases (which we call "Cyber-Gadgets") covering almost every imaginable topic, e.g. have a burning need for a specific carnivorous plant? Dying to know if any of your ancestors were passengers on the Mayflower? Need an airline ticket NOW? We have the tools to help you find answers to questions like these! URL: Submitted By: Ariel Brady Coolest Sites Homepage!! Full of cool sites found on the Web! URL: This site is is best viewed with Netscape 2.0 or higher. Submitted By: Gregory Smith Recreation and Sports Meet Arlene! "Meet Arlene!" is a page dedicated to my cat and several of her friends. Arlene is THE PRETTIEST cat on the web! Stopby and see for yourself! Also includes links to several other cat pages. URL: This site is is best viewed with Netscape 2.0 or higher. Submitted By: Sandra L. Bonchin-Cleland Regional Information Welcome to Hendricks, Minnesota Visit Hendricks, Minnesota, and enjoy our clean air, rural lifestyle, great quality of life, and Norwegian ethnic heritage. Affordable housing opportunities make Hendricks a greaet place to live, to relocate your business, to raise a family, or to retire. URL: This site is is best viewed with Netscape 1.1 or higher. Submitted By: Paul Olson Science and Industry Laser Stars Astrophysics of plasma recombination lasers in rapidly cooled stellar atmospheres. News, papers and abstracts. Links to astronomical spectra databases. Amateur astronomy projects to observe laser star spectra and proper motion. History of the laser in astronomy. History of astronomical spectroscopy. URL: This site is can be viewed with any browser. Submitted By: John Talbot Society and Culture Jungian Personality Test The Keirsey Temperament Sorter by David Keirsey is a personality test which scores results according to the Meyers-Briggs system (the actual Meyers-Briggs test is a professional instrument and may only be administered by a licensed practitioner). The test is scored on four different scales: o Energizing: Extrovert vs. Introvert o Attending: iNtuitive vs. Sensing o Deciding: Feeling vs. Thinking o Living: Judging vs. Perceptive URL: Submitted By: Cecilia Franco White _________________________________________________________________ Weekly Bookmark Information The Weekly Bookmark Hompage: The Weekly Bookmark Archives: The Weekly Bookmark Index: Subscribe/Unsubscribe via WWW form: Subscribe/Unsubscribe via E-mail: Include ONLY the following in the BODY Subscribe WeeklyB or Unsubscribe WeeklyB. Submit a Site: Send Feedback: _________________________________________________________________ Meet The Staff Editor - Matt Alberts Assistant Editor - Holly Drake Webmaster - Matt Alberts Writer Marian Hank Submitters Ted Nellen Marian Hank Want to help? Read our Help Wanted section.=20 _________________________________________________________________ (C) Copyright 1996 by Matt Alberts - All Right Reserved Comments? Ideas? Send mail to